Grammar Quiz


The aim of the Quiz competition is to evaluate the knowledge the learners have acquired from the language and literacy classroom.

1.0. Objectives

1.0.1.      to develop an interest in the subject areas of language and literacy.

1.0.2.      To help pupils gain ample knowledge and develop the confidence to excel beyond academics and secure their future.

1.0.3.      To enhance learners’ ability to connect the dots, read between the lines and arrive at a conclusion.

1.1. General Rules

1.1.1.      Language. The quizzes are all in English, but provinces, districts and schools are encouraged to conduct quizzes in official Zambian languages taught within their respective territories.

1.1.2.      Quiz Participation. Prior to the Quiz Competition, participating entities shall register their quiz participants on a prescribed form two weeks before the event.

1.1.3.      Cheating. Anyone suspected by an official of cheating will be disqualified. You must not use any mobile device during a quiz competition.

1.1.4.      Challenges. If at any time you think your answer should be accepted, then you must complete a challenge slip. These will be available at the front of the room. This MUST be done BEFORE the start of the next round. Every effort will be made to check alternative answers offered by a contestant challenging an answer through the correct channel, but ultimately the Quiz Master’s decision is final.

1.1.5.      Late Arrival. If a player arrives after a competition has begun, they will not be allowed into the quiz room as it could disrupt other players. Organisers reserve the right to disqualify a participant who comes late to the competition venue.  Please don’t be late.

1.1.6.      Disruptive Behaviour. Anyone deemed by an official to be purposely disrupting an event or causing upset/annoyance/distress to another player/organiser will be removed.

1.1.7.      Team Swapping. It is not permitted to replace a team member after the first round of a quiz has started. If a team member is late, and they haven’t been replaced, the team will participate with a player short. In very exceptional circumstances, such as sudden illness, the Quiz Master might allow a player to be swapped, but this must be done with permission from a Quiz Coordinator of the LATAZ and the opposing teams where appropriate.

1.1.8.      Participant Exclusion. The LATAZ reserves the right to refuse entry to troublesome individuals, for example, someone deemed to have been disruptive in the past or be bringing quiz competition into disrepute.

1.1.9.      The whole quiz competition will be divided into three rounds i.e., preliminaries, semi-final and final.

1.1.10.   There will be a team of ONE participant from each school/entity.

1.1.11.   Questions will be asked one by one by each participant within a time limit.

1.1.12.   The first round will be the preliminary round for all the participants.

1.1.13.   The second round will be a semi-final between the top 5 highest scorers.

1.1.14.   The final round will be between the top 3 highest scorers.

1.1.15.   Questions will be asked one by one by each team.

1.1.16.   If the team will not be able to answer, then any other participants from the rest of the teams could claim to answer but no bonus points will be awarded.

Parameters for Evaluation

1.1.17.   Eminent education professionals from schools and organizations like Principals of Schools and Professors / Associate Professors.

1.1.18.   The judges’ panel shall evaluate the teams on the basis of the answer key already provided to them confidentially.

1.2. Scoring

Points will be allocated as follows.

1.1.1.     Five marks will be given for each correct answer in the first 2 rounds i.e., prelims and semi-finals.

1.1.2.     In the final round, the time limit will be reduced to 15 seconds and 10 marks will be given for each correct answer.  

1.1.3.  Zero for an incorrect answer.

1.1.4.  No points for a partial response.

1.1.5.  Recorders will only award points after the Quiz Master has confirmed the response as correct or otherwise.

1.2.         Time Limit

1.2.1.      Thirty (30) seconds will be given to each team for the first 2 rounds to reply to the given question.

1.2.1.  Fifteen (15) seconds will be given to each team to answer the given question in the final round.

1.2.2.     The Quiz Master will read the question twice and signal for time to respond.

1.3.         Quiz Staff and Roles

The quiz will have four basic officers.

1.3.1.  Quiz Master (1). Shall read the questions aloud to the panellists, provide feedback to panellists and signal response time.

1.3.2.  Recorders/Judges (3). To record points as affirmed by the Quiz Master after a response and to compile total scores for panels for ranking.

1.3.3.  Timekeeper (1). To signal the end of time to respond to a question. While LATAZ will provide a chief Timekeeper, each participating panel shall provide an assistant timekeeper for transparency’s sake.

1.4.          Categories

1.4.1.     The quiz will be based on synonyms, antonymstechnological vocabulary, climate change, health-related topics, business language, civic knowledge, literary terminologies and devices, current affairsgrammatical mistakes (transformations, parts of speech, tenses etc) and contextual communication.

1.4.2.       Primary Level.             Grades 1 – 7

1.4.3.       Junior Secondary Level  Grades 8-9

1.4.4.       Senior Secondary.       Grades 10-12

1.5.        Questions. 

1.5.1.  In the preliminary round, each team shall answer a maximum of 10 questions.

1.5.2.  Teams shall be given a range of questions from which to choose a question number not yet answered.

1.5.3.  A question shall be read twice before the panel answers.

1.5.4.  In the semi-final round, the number of questions per team shall range from five to seven. Elimination questions at this stage will be used to increase the level of difficulty.

1.5.5.  Teams in the final round shall answer an average of five questions each unless there is need to break a tie.

1.6.        Elimination.

1.6.1.  Teams that score the least points in each round will be eliminated from the contest.

1.6.2.  In the preliminary round, the top five teams shall proceed to the semi-final.

1.6.3.  In the semi-final, the top three teams will proceed to the final.

1.6.4.  There will be no elimination in the final round as the teams will simply be ranked according to their points to determine the winner, runner-up and third place.

1.7.        Quiz Running Order

1.7.1.  Quiz participants should be registered on a prescribed form and sent to LATAZ ( )  two weeks before the competition.

1.7.2.  On quiz day, LATAZ shall appoint a Quiz Coordinator, Quiz Master, three adjudicators and timekeeper.

1.7.3.  Before the start of the quiz, teams shall toss to determine sitting and response order.

1.7.4.  All participating teams shall occupy seats provided and clearly labelled for them on the stage.

1.7.5.  In the event that the competition experiences time constraints, the quiz shall be conducted as an Olympiad.